World Renowned Spiritual Healer-Author Anne Jones
I had a request several months back already that world-knowned healer and Author Anne Jones & friends wanted to visit me. So my kind and hardworking assistant JP arranged for the meeting. Jp is my assistant for all appointments.
Last Sunday, they visited myself in Tsem Ladrang itself…Anne had been introduced to Kechara by Liaison Jamie Khoo and her mother Datin Jennifer. After having read many of Kechara’s books Anne was intrigued to learn more. Anne is very intelligent, witty, has a huge capacity to learn. I noticed she asks questions to learn and not to challenge or show off. When you explain things to her clearly, she thinks about it, absorbs and incorporates. She is always trying to learn, improve, grow and add more to her store of knowledge. I like these qualities very much. She has no ego resistance to learning…she really wants to learn and help others…I really noticed this…this quality in her made our spiritual exchange very warm, interesting, pleasant and beneficial.
Along with Anne, Datin Jennifer herself (who is also a healer) and four other friends also came to visit – local famous artist Renee
Kraal, another healer from Kajang Paru and her husband Bala and a close family friend Ching.
Before meeting them, the group was given a tour of the ladrang and was hosted to a sumptuous dinner prepared by Justin Ripley, Levi and a few other Ladrang kitchen staff! It is our local hospitality to offer a nice meal to all guests and it was very pleasurable to offer Anne and friends a nice dinner.
We are very proud and happy to have been able to welcome and host such a wonderful group of people who do much work to bring happiness, healing and
transformation to others. They are new-age practitioners and healers who have been creating waves of benefit and healing in their own right. I pray they continue. Life is worth living when we aim to help others without personal agenda. It is physically tiring, but mentally very worthwhile.
Anne in particular spoke plenty on behalf of the group, sharing their views on spirituality. The group also asked questions that they had about spirituality, healing and compassion. Many aspects of spirituality were covered in a two-hour conversation, including insights into compassion, unconditional love, working for the benefit of others and the different methods of teaching, healing and helping others.
The similarities in views that arose during the dialogue were evidence enough that Dharma is a universal truth that will arise as long as your heart and motivation is in the right place. I wish Anne and friends long life, happiness, further growth, great health and tremendous further learning in spiritualism to bring even more benefits to others….OM TAREE TU-TAREE TUREE SOHA…
Tsem Rinpoche

Spiritual Healer Anne Jones with her lovely smile

Anne Jones and Datin Jennifer…Datin is a great cook and animal lover. Very soft heart

“Call Me Paris” author Jamie Khoo and her mom Datin Jennifer. Jaime’s book and video is a must have. Very nice. Jaime will be going to the USA tomorrow with 10 other people to do research on my growing up yester-years for a comprehensive biography. They will interview friends/relatives of mine in New Jersey, California, Ohio, Virginia, New York. They will visit and record places where I grew up. It is a big project and they will be in the States for 3 weeks

Healer Paru and her husband Bala…nice to meet them

Famous local artist Renee Kraal.. who is very sensitive, bright and listens carefully to knowledge. Nice!

Ching, a close family friend of Datin Jennifer.. I nicknamed her Ms Glasses as she is cute… hehehe
A video was taken of our meeting and discussion which I will share. On the beginning of this video, when my assistants made it, they called me HIGH Tibetan Lama… I didn’t notice till JUST NOW… sorry about that… embarrassing… Anyways, Ms. Anne is ok with this sharing as she is an educator and likes to share knowledge. Wonderful warm lady… I want her to be ok always…
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Wow …..thats wonderful having a world renowned spiritual healer-author Anne Jones visiting Rinpoche in Tsem Ladrang. Author Anne Jones is a gifted and experienced healer, has always been helping people change the way they feel through her teachings and healing. Great to know she and her friends came all the way to meet Rinpoche. May Anne continue with her teaching and healing to benefit more and more people.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing and the video of spiritual discussion with her.
It seem that she visiting Malaysia 22nd April 2018 again , healing sessions & Seminar to share new energy stream for Soul Activation. For more information …
I remember this audience well. I was helping out in the kitchen and was serving the guests in the Ladrang. All the guests in this audience were completely enthralled by Rinpoche!
It is great to find common ground when it comes to spirituality. Often religious establishments merely find the differences and harp on them or use it as a deterrent but what is beautiful is when we can embrace and rejoice in the similarities and respect and accept the difference!
I was touched by your video. I have served two masters in this lifetime. I seek to continue transformation and I believe that I can feel your love. My living guru is no longer accessible. She gave me the command to teach Siddha Yoga. I received tantric initiation into Buddhism by my first master who has left the body.
Now I seek a living master and to teach. I have led centers and taught meditation and given dakshina and served in ashrams for years.
What shall I do now?
I liked Rinpoche style of sharing information and giving that space for people to know think a bit more about how else they can benefit others.
More and more people are coming to visit our Rinpoche. The time has come for Kechara to zoom global and universal. Prediction 10 years ago has borne fruit. High Tibetan Lama Tsem Rinpoche meets world renowned spiritual healer author Anne Jones. Both share the common aim of healing. Healing need not be in the form of trances and other holistic healings. But healing can also be in the form of teachings, councelling, care, kindness and compassion. Rinpoche has incorporated his form of healing in the modern and traditional form using the methods that will suit the individual requirements. To benefit sentient beings should be the prior motivation.
Very good video, Rinpoche’s speech was flawless in keeping a multi-faith dialogue warm and kind, with proper motivation. You have to watch this…