Kuantan Group
Dear Rinpoche and Liaisons,
Below pictures are update from Kuantan group regarding their first gathering in Mr Leonard Chia’s office. This office space has decorated by Mr Leonard Chia recently. Now become a vey cosy and nice place for Kuantan group meet and learn together. Last week, 5 of the main members: Leonard Chia, Mr Yeo, Wei Ling, Suet Moi and Shin Shan have organised Dumpling Festival gathering. They were invited their came to join them and introduced Kechara Organization to them. According to Mr Leonard Chia the response is good. Around 20 people attended. Thank you.
Warm regards,
Yek Yee
Liaison to H.E. Tsem Rinpoche
All of them sat together choosing pendants.
Part of corner is KP's products.
Again, KD's product is most popular.
OK, tell me more about Kechara, fast!!!
Looking for KD's pendants!!!!
Mr Yeo, potential dharma tutor in Kuantan. He is very interests in dharma teaching.
Shin Shan (black/white dress) is in charge of Kuantan group's admin.
Wah!! Kechara is interesting and fun!
"Hi, you must buy one, good for you!! "Wei Ling says.
yummy...nice people, nice gathering, nice sharing, nice Kechara chapter...and nice snacks.
Suet Moi (white shirt) has introduced different kind of pendants to guests.
Wei Ling showed car Buddha to guests.
What make me smile, because of Tsongkapa's precious teaching in this book. See..
Watching dharma dvd.
Discussion while watching dharma dvd.
Guests are talking and eating.
We are here because of Kechara, do you know?? Hehehe
Mr Leonard Chia has introduced myself and KH to his guest by showing dvd. Great way to learn.
Showing Rinpoche's dvd.
Dumpling Gathering organized by Kuantan group.
We are happy here!
We are happy here!
Nice pictures and updates from Liaison Yekyee. Yekyee is making special effort to bring dharma to the kuantan group and they look eager to engage in spiritual disciplines now. We have a Kechara Study Group in Kuantan now due to the sincere efforts of these people. I am happy for everyone and rejoice.
Tsem Rinpoche
Liaison Yekyee who has come out with a few wonderful dharma books in Chinese language published in Kechara Media & Publications. She has a degree in Psychology and enjoys learning. Please do find out more about her below:
Meet the Liaisons: Kok Yek Yee
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the tsemrinpoche.com blog team
A very humble beginning of Kechara Kuantan Group. Thanks to this blog that I’m able to revisit their beginning!
May their Dharma practice, works and efforts continue to flourish..
[…] Study GroupGifts for Margaret's familyRinpoche's gifts to Jess in PenangDinner with Lorraine HahnKuantan groupBlessing Louise's New Car!!!A blessing for Liew's fatherBuddha Statues' ICONOGRAPHY – by David LaiA […]
Unearthed your website via bing the other day and absolutely love it. Continue the truly great work.
It’s great to see Kechara Study Groups sprouting out all over Malaysia in JB, Penang, Ipoh, Melaka and now in Kuantan. It shows that the message of inner peace through spiritual practice and Dharma work promoted by Kechara is reaching and benefiting many people. It shows that the students of Rinpoche are able to bring the Rinpoche’s teachings to others through their Dharma practice and Dharma work and inspire others to practice Dharma. Yek Yee did a great job nurturing the Kuantan group by spending time and effort giving them many explanations on Kechara and Dharma and answering their questions. With constant care and support from our mother center in KL, I am sure Kuantan Study Group will grow and become very beneficial in the near future.
It is great to see all these pictures busing with activity.
Isn’t this the first step to wisdom, to make time and go to a Dharma class on the week-end instead of doing something useless and meaningless?
Isn’t it the first step to compassion, to encourage others to join the class?
Well, I think it is, and these tepas are great steps because they trigger a march towards gaining more wisdom and more compassion.
All marches must start with the first step. I read somewhere in a “self-hlep” book that it does not matter if we can’t see the whole path for as long as we trust where it is going, we only need to see a few steps ahead. I say this because for a long time, I have wanted to se the entire path before engaging into it, an I have wasted some time there. How can we know where the path is leading, how can we trust that it is going in the right direction? We just need to observe those that have walked the path before us and those that are engaged in it further than we are to have clear-enough idea.
Wow! Another study group had form and dharma can separate to another town at Kuantan. I first met Wei Ling, Mr Yeo, Mr.Chia and Suet Moi introduced by Dino brought them to visit KSA. They are Chinese educated. After that, they came to join Chinese Setrap pujas at KH. Liaisons Yek Yee always kept good contact with them and nursing them with dharma. Finally these group of sincere people start form the study group at Kuantan.
Dharma center always start from small group, these group of people always have strong faith with Rinpoche. When Rinpoche first visiting Malaysia. He went all over the small town at Malaysia from north to south, met a lot of sincere people, sponsoring dharma and sangha until now over 17 years. We always have to keep in mind how to bring dharma for people out of the town or from foreign country. From these people, dharma eventually will grown to other city and different country. More study group will be form at the future.
Wow! There are so many study groups flourishing throughout the country from Kechara’s hard working, dedicated Liaisons. How wonderful to see that many people are able to receive the benefits of the Dharma even if they are not in Kuala Lumpur. Just Rinpoche’s Blog alone is benefiting many and creating the causes for Dharma to spread to as many people as possible. What more when Liaisons take it upon themselves personally to teach, educate and make Dharma accessible and available to people everywhere.
This study group in Kuantan looks very happy. The whole atmosphere looks very warm, friendly and everyone seems to be very interested. I truly rejoice because they are getting the right kind of help – the Dharma.
I think that this is lovely as the nice state of Kuantan of Malaysia now has a chance to study, learn and contemplate the glorious Dharma dispensed by the wonderful Kechara Organization. This is part of the first few steps for Kechara Organization to go global to liberate many from the horrible suffering of samsara. It is good that this can be run without that much help from Rinpoche as Rinpoche has many other things like KWPC he needs to attend to. Aunty Yek Yee is a really intelligent and funny and cute little woman. She works very hard in Kechara Media and Publications. She has a lot of devotion towards the glorious Dharma. May she live long to help others through the language of Chinese.
Kechara Care (KC) had the privilege to show a Kota Bharu-origin group of 20 headed by Benedict, a lawyer residing there around Kechara on a mini tour, a regular activity organized by KC in June 2010 over the school holidays.
Benedict’s family had expressed regret that there are not many Buddhist centre like Kechara in Kota Baru, his home town where they can go and learn more about Buddhism. Now that we have students of Tsem Rinpoche who took the initiative to start their own group in Kuantan, perhaps it would be a great opportunity for new groups to spring up in the future in other states in Malaysia also.
People who had followed Tsem Rinpoche’s teachings online, You Tube, Facebook, blog or Twitter had benefited a lot from his teachings. This is further living proof of the true teachings of an enlightened lama.
It is so wonderful to read about all these study groups mushrooming all over the country. Liaisons have done such a wonderful job in having these satelites started with Rinpoche’s blessings. This “trend” started with the birth of Singapore study group and Ipoh, Melaka, Johor and now Penang has follow suit. Rinpoche has not visited these groups before yet they are thriving. It is a reflection of the committment and dedication of liaisons involved coupled with right motivation and Guru’s blessings that it is able to be so. The Kuantan premises looks happy and warm. Today, i also read from an email update that they have started a guitar class which received very encouraging response especially among the youths. Besides providing the younger generation with a healthy environment to spend their leisure time, these youths if nurtured correctly will mature into good leaders of the society with Buddhist principles. I rejoice for all who are directly involved in these study groups.
I like what Peter said about cell groups sound distinctively Christian and never before known to be Buddhist. That is the very direction we should head not because we want to imitate Christian methods but because we must do it out of compassion for others. If we have compassion, we must be enthusiastic to enroll people to the Dharma.
However, when we enroll people, we must always be patient and explain the Dharma with a lot of enthusiasm and understand the very people we bring in. We must never use fear or any negative ways to bring people the Dharma. But the best way to that is to exemplify the Dharma ourselves and we must know our Lama well. Our Lama is the Dharma and so we should know his life, his story so we can relate it to others and inspire people to the Dharma via Rinpoche.
Read and learn about Rinpoche at http://www.kechara.com/rinpoche/biography/
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
Amazing to see how Buddhists, in this case, the Kechara family have set forth a kind of a benchmark in expanding Dharma. Cell Groups? I never thought I would ever hear this term over the Buddhist side as previously it used to be a ‘Christian domain’.
Dusty temples, incense choking, ‘nobody gives a care who goes thru the temple doors’, and faces that hang the sign ‘Apa mau!’…
Dharma Cell Groups? In Malaysia?
Thank you Rinpoche and Kechara for this far sighted and realised vision… the Wheel of Dharma is turning again instead of the samsaric one…Sadhu!
It is really encouraging to see the Dharma spread so well. I live in a place where the holy Dharma is terribly scarce. It is like a breath of fresh air to hear that a new study group has formed and that people are excited to practice the perfect Dharma well. I feel uplifted and have hope for the growth of Dharma where I live in America and throughout the world. I see that it is possible now and am rejoicing so much to see it happening.
Hopefully in the future there will be an opportunity for people in America to genuinely connect with the Dharma and for people to understand the teachings of the Buddha in greater depth.
It is amazing to see how our cell groups are expanding and growing. I am very sure all these new comers must have been truely inspired by our hard working liaisons, in this case Yek Yee, who has been nuturing the Kuantan group since the day they were introduced to Kechara by Dino Goh.
It is equally amazing that all these newbies like Leonard chia, Mr Yeo, Wei Ling and Shin Sha could organize their first activity so well and thought of ideas like “dumpling festival” that no one can resist.
From the pictures, I can feel they have so much enthusiasm and passion towards the buddha teachings.And it is wonderful news to Kechara that a new study group has born! Welcome aboard!
Yeah, Kechara Kuantan Study Group is one of the groups manifested from the hardwork of our Kechara Education Committee and Liaisons such as Yek Yee. It is due to their hardwork that people from who are staying far from Kuala Lumpur to able to get connected with Rinpoche and Kechara and learn Dharma. Kecharians from the mother temple will make regular trips to the respective study groups to keep members updated and guide them.
It is also very nice to see the main members of this group initiated the place and brought consigned KP products to the east coast as a way to promote Dharma. I hope there will be more activities being held in the study groups in future and grow bigger.
I am reminded of another group up north in Ipoh and others in Melaka and JB : each of these groups have started small and grew to be what they are today. Kuantan group will also follow in their footsteps. Both Kuantan and JB groups have started their own Kechara Paradise corner with items consigned from SS2 outlet. In this way, they help to serve their friends by bringing dharma products to them.
They are very sincere in their dharma practice and whenever they are in town, they will make full use of their limited time to learn about Kechara and Dharma as much as possible. Yek Yee has done a good job.
I am very happy to see the Kuantan Group has been formed and have even setup their own place for activities and gathering.
Mr Chia, Suet Moi and Wai Ling are the regulars who always travel to KL and participate in Kechara House activities. During these visit, Yek Yee would always keep them company, give them explanation and assist them. Thank you for all your hard work, Yek Yee!
What so special about the Study Group is, whatever they have learned from the mother Kechara House, they would apply the knowledge in order to benefit their family and friends and many more who are unable to travel to KL due to long distance. Keep up all the good work, and I hope many more such study group will manifest through out Malaysia and even other countries.
I love that this group is so relatively new but making such an effort to make this venue a real place of gathering already. I especially love that they already have pictures of our lineage lamas up on the wall!! (that’s my favourite photo 🙂
The beginnings of a new cell group! This is great news I’m happy to hear. May this group thrive and grow into a real branch centre of KH one day. KH now has study groups north, south, east and west. May Lama Tsongkhapa’s lineage reach out to all 10 directons through KH.