Mewa 2: The Mirror of Dreams (Black)
Born with The Mirror of Dreams as your birth Mewa, you have a pleasant character and are generally not an angry person. You have a lot of love and respect for your friends, partners and children.
On the other hand, you also lack ambition and are not very innovative although you have a keen sense of detail. When dealing with others, you serve as a mediator and are best suited in the service of others. While this brings others real happiness, you may not get the credit you deserve, which can cause emotional angst.
Those with this Mewa generally work best in the mornings, and can become careless with their work in the evenings. You can also develop very strong speech, which can have a positive impact on others. Your best age is between the ages of 45 and 47.
The Mirror of Dreams indicates a very sweet tooth, so you should be careful as you could develop diabetes. The Mirror of Dreams also indicates vulnerability to intestinal complaints and ailments affecting the blood, skin and the back. Typically, you have a slightly corpulent physique and are not affected by illness, but if you have the karma to suffer from a disease, it can turn life-threatening if not treated well or early.
In matters of love, you are more emotional rather than having a level head. You also have the tendency to shower your partners with a lot of affection.
Wealth and Fortune
You are neither rich nor poor but enjoy a moderate fortune.
You will thrive when working with nature, in roles such as farming or horticulture. You also work well in positions relating to benefiting others and communities.
Past Lives
In a previous life, you were born in the hell-realms, after which you took rebirth in your current human form.
Next Life
At the time of birth, the general karma indicates that you will be reborn as either a bear, monkey or as a spirit in the ghost-realm.
Method of Purification
If you commission a statue of Vajrapani and make offerings and prayers to him, you can generate the merits to be reborn in a god-realm or as a human.
Spiritual Helper
You have karmic links with a War God, therefore will be protected from being afflicted by minor spirits. You should be harmonious with others to keep the War God happy. You should also take care to be harmonious with your siblings, and ensure that your children have a good relationship with each other.
Mewa 2: Black
More about the other Birth Mewas:
#1: The Mirror of Medicine | #2: The Mirror of Dreams | #3: The Mirror of Ocean Medicine
#4: The Mirror of Nagas | #5: The Mirror of the War God | #6: The Mirror of the King
#7: The Mirror of the Mountain Spirit | #8: The Mirror of the Country God | #9: The Mirror of Prosperity
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Cannibal? A animal or an actually human flesh eating human ??????
Hi Rinpoche, Kechara and Co,
This was very insightful so thank you for taking the time to write out this incredibly amazing Mewa system/Tibetan astrology although reading through Mewa 2: The Mirror of Dreams, it was a bit scary reading I might’ve taken rebirth in the Hells before and could end up as a bear, monkey or a spirit in the god-realm and I hope that I won’t but I reckon this will push me to do more Dharma work and to follow Tsem Rinpoche’s teachings to not end up in the three lower realms. Or maybe I’m taking it too literally… either way thank you so much for this great post!
What Tibetan Budfhist name be given a man born on January 31, 1963.
Thank you
Next life will be reborn in a bear, monkey or as a spirit in the ghost-realm, how do prediction to be trued and how to over come?
Sorry Rinpoche, I dont recognise much of myself (and I did do some soulsearching and Western Astrology)
i want live in western countries. And i cant do best on one single field. i getting to much failure on every feild. can u suggest me any how to get out of it
Just reading about my Birth Mewa it’s so accurate. I’ve personally not been a fan of astrology, Western or Eastern. Neither was I too keen on Feng Shui. However, as I get older and NOT because I’m getting superstitious, I realize and understanding that a lot more takes place in my life that the eye can see or science can explain. And I’m not talking about spirits but the presence of Buddhas and the true essence of faith. I’m gonna go read more now. Thank you Rinpoche for this post on Tibetan Astrology!