Mewa 5: The Mirror of the War God (Yellow)
Born with The Mirror of the War God as your birth Mewa, you have a very strong instinct for self-preservation and as such may be seen as selfish by others. Your character is to extremes – either very positive or very negative; hard-working and ambitious or lazy and unenthusiastic.
If you are highly ambitious, you will be difficult to satisfy. You can also be easily diverted and postpone performing any assigned duties. Generally speaking, you are intelligent but will not be a very talkative person.
You have a stable mind, strong faith and good self control. You will also need to depend on your parents at times and so you are fortunate to be born in the right place. The best age for you is after 42 years, after which your life improves for the better.
You have a very good immune system; however you can be affected by tremors, fevers, blood disorders and hypertension. You have the karma to suffer from lymphatic, serum or bile disorders. There is also a threat of injury from robberies. However if you spend time engaging in spiritual practice, you can extend your life and stave off any health problems.
You have a strong need for love and are very passionate. However you have dominating tendencies that can come across as domineering in your relationships with others.
Wealth and Fortune
If you have the karma to suffer from financial loss, you will also recover from this very quickly. You have a tendency to gamble a lot, leading to disastrous financial ruin. You have the karma to own land, but the ownership of properties will not be stable.
You are suited to most jobs. If you are gifted with high intelligence and ambition, you should aim to work in high positions, in which you will thrive.
Past Lives
In your previous life, you were a monk or ascetic practitioner, then reborn as either a prince or king. After this, you were reborn as a spirit, following which you took rebirth in your current human form.
Next Life
At the time of birth, the general karma indicates that you will be reborn as a monkey or a hen.
Method of Purification
If you commission a statue or thangka of Buddha Shakyamuni, you can generate the merits to be reborn as a tantric practitioner or a man with good faith in spiritual life. In the lifetime after that, you can be reborn as either the son of a businessman or a vampire if you degenerate and engage in non-virtuous activities.
Spiritual Helper
You do not have specific karmic links for assistance from other worldly beings. Therefore, you are advised to live a moral life, follow a spiritual path and rely on the practice of a Dharma Protector. If you engage in these actions, you will acquire many merits which act as a form of protection against negativity, while at the same time furthering your spiritual development.
Mewa 5: Yellow
More about the other Birth Mewas:
#1: The Mirror of Medicine | #2: The Mirror of Dreams | #3: The Mirror of Ocean Medicine
#4: The Mirror of Nagas | #5: The Mirror of the War God | #6: The Mirror of the King
#7: The Mirror of the Mountain Spirit | #8: The Mirror of the Country God | #9: The Mirror of Prosperity
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📿Thankyou 🙏🏻✨
I do believe and same as said, thankyou rinpochen la.
Buddha Shakyamuni
Exactly same as described.
hmmmm, im born 1986-05-13 but im absolutely diferent than what here describen… im like absolutely diferent O_O but im acept it 🙂
If i can follow according to the above words I have a good future…That really inspire me….
I was not agree
I perfectly impressed about ACCURACY