I was in Willow Creek!

Bluff Creek Forest
I think we might have captured a Bigfoot on film.
Take a look at this video and be ready!
Bluff Creek (June 22, 2014)
This is actual footage from a famous video taken by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in Bluff Creek, Humboldt County, North California in 1967. Bluff Creek is 36 miles from Willow Creek where the town is. This video taken by them until now remains the clearest video of Bigfoot till date. Also it has not been officially proven to be a hoax because under much scientific scrutiny, it has come out seemingly genuine. This video is world famous and legendary now as it is a footage of a real Bigfoot. Within the Bigfoot enthusiasts world, the Patterson-Gimlin film footage is the definitive proof of Bigfoot’s existence in North America.

This is Willow Creek! It’s not a big place but there is plenty to do. There are many shops and restaurants named after bigfoot. So many beautiful house surrounded by woods, water and mountains off this main part of town. I would not mind living here at all.
Dear Friends around the world,
For as long as I can remember I have been interested in the Paranormal, mysterious and supernatural. I’ve been particularly interested in Bigfoot. In North America there are thousands of recorded sightings of Bigfoot per year that are reported. There are grainy pictures, captured sounds they make, recorded behavioral patterns like wood knocking to communicate. Many do not report their sightings for fear of ridicule or privacy. Thousands of reputable people who gain nothing from sharing their sightings report similar descriptions. Key here is similar descriptions. Thousands of people across North America cannot be hallucinating or lying. People only report what they observe and when it gets into the thousands of reports for hundreds of years, something is really out there. I personally do not need scientific proof or scientists to prove something is real or not for me to believe. There are many things in life that cannot be scientifically proven yet there is indirect ways to observe their existence. There are established scientists who have open minds and do not flat out reject the temporarily unfathomable that really win my vote. After all, a scientist is a human like the rest of us with limited perceptions also.
It is nice to have ‘scientific’ proof of something, but for me, it’s not that important. Some things may even take hundreds of years of scientific observation before it’s proven, so meanwhile I don’t put my beliefs on hold. For example, acupuncture works very well for me and it has healed some serious health issues I’ve had. But I didn’t need a scientific stamp of approval to tell me it works. Observation is what counts. Many ancient cultures such as the American Indians and Tibetans have observed the existence of Bigfoot in their habitats and who are we to say their whole culture is wrong, their observations for hundreds of years are wrong. Certainly I wouldn’t say they are wrong.
There are many people and cultures that observe happenings and come to worthwhile conclusions also. The Native American Indians of North America have names, descriptions and stories of the ‘forest people’ (Bigfoots). They incorporate Bigfoots into their artwork, totem poles, folklore, stories, history and give eye witness accounts. They have the do’s and don’ts of accidental encounters with these creatures. I believe Native Americans only spoke about what they observed in the forest. Why would they be lying or wrong? Doesn’t make sense. Why are their accounts not reliable or worthy of trust and belief? I believe them. My own Tibetan and Mongolian people have names, descriptions and long history of sighting them for centuries. To Tibetan and Mongolian people, Bigfoots are normal and beings that live in the forest and woods and mountains.
Bigfoots are sighted all over the world and in North America. One of the hotbeds for sightings is Northern California. They are sighted constantly and many reports are given till today. In 1967 Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin took their now legendary footage of a female Bigfoot in Bluff Creek which is around 36 miles from the town of Willow Creek. Bluff Creek is just forests. No one has conclusively proven it’s a fake. Since then thousands of people from all around the world have made their pilgrimage to Willow Creek. From scientists, documentary makers, explorers to ordinary housewives who have interest in this mysterious creature have checked into a motel in Willow Creek and driven the few hours it will take to get to the Bluff Creek forest. Why go there? Hopefully to have a sighting perhaps, but for me it was to experience the place where this famous footage was taken. I feel connected to these beings. Some like dogs, cats, elephants and some like horses. Well I feel a connection to Bigfoots. For me, I have no doubts this Patterson-Gimlin footage is genuine. I have spoken to Tibetan friends who have seen Bigfoots in the snow mountains of Tibet in their travels. They describe the size, bi-pedal walk, hairiness, large stature, swiftness in walking up a mountain slope and their genuine fear of it. To me the thousands of credible witnesses is enough proof for me for now. Again my own Tibetan people have a long history of Bigfoot sightings, even very high lamas of Tibet have shared their interactions with these Bigfoots over the centuries. High lamas are very credible witnesses to me.
When I was 11 I saw a documentary MYSTERIOUS MONSTERS directed by Robert Guenette and from then on, I have been hooked onto Bigfoot. I have always wanted to visit Willow Creek and I finally did with my team. We drove around 15 hours from Southern California to the North. The reason it took so long is because I have a cracked tailbone and cannot sit for long and have to get up and stretch a lot. I cannot go on long airplane rides at all. It would worsen the condition. I thank them for their patience.
Willow Creek is a really small town and their ‘downtown’ area where the post office, restaurants, businesses, markets, gift shops, gas stations, tourist information, bookstore, bigfoot museum are all on one large and wide street. They are surrounded by beautiful and majestic tree-lined mountains, trinity river, fresh air, vast open blue skies and hawks gliding through the air. The streets have emerald green leafed trees that line either side and I just really loved the town and it is some place I can definitely live at least in the summers. I was amazed at the beauty of the place. Well we arrived around 6 am and checked into the Bigfoot Motel. The management are friendly, easy and accommodating. The rooms are very basic, clean and with nice hot running water. I liked the motel. Just a few minutes walk from the motel are eateries, supplies and mini marts. Getting items is not hard at all but mind you, most places close at 9pm. They have bigger towns nearby like Eureka but we didn’t visit. We spent three days exploring the town. We went to the Bigfoot Museum, Bigfoot restaurants, Bigfoot gift shops, Bigfoot bookstore and of course to Bluff Creek. We enjoyed sitting by the rivers and contemplations within the forests. It was a nice trip. It was a trip I wanted to make for the longest time because this is the Bigfoot sighting capital of the USA.
Tsem Rinpoche

Places in North America where most Bigfoot sightings occur is shown on this map. You can see the sightings are not getting less perhaps more are speaking out.

Click the image to enlarge. This was our journey from LA to Willow Creek, and back again. The map says over 10 hours, but it took us 15 hours because we made many stops.

We arrived at the Bigfoot Motel at around 6am. Simple and clean motel. Nice. I needed sleep. We drove the whole night!

Bigfoot Motel – Willow Creek -It was very hard for me to sit in the car and we had to stop many times along the way due to my tailbone issue. Making long trips without space to stretch, walk and lie down is difficult for me these days

This is THE KEY to have for any Bigfoot pilgrimage in Willow Creek.

My room
The motel and town is surrounded by majestic mountains and blue sky. It was hot, but you don’t sweat as it’s not humid at all.
This is the main road that runs through ‘downtown’ Willow Creek.
I finally arrived at the Bigfoot Museum in Willow Creek. The museum is a must visit. Take 45 minutes to read through the materials they have available. The gift store was wonderful with bigfoot figurines, mugs, T-shirts, maps, books, key chains and many more items. I purchased many gifts for my friends.
Some displays at the museum, but you must visit yourself to read and see more. This is just a glimpse.
Would like to have this at my house.
The map to Bluff Creek at the museum.
It was really wonderful to visit this museum
Bigfoot Museum – Willow Creek
This was right outside a gas station. Would love to have this at Kechara Forest Retreat.
This bigfoot statue is outside Willow Creek’s visitor center. It has been in the town for over 20 years and was carved from one piece of redwood. The staff at the visitor center told us that the statue was originally placed across the road from its present location. Then it was moved four times until it was relocated to its present spot. The statue used to come with a club but it has been stolen. Carpenter ants have also eaten away at the statue’s toes.
Nicholas and I with another nice Bigfoot image.
Pastor Seng Piow is starting to be interested in Bigfoots. He and Pastor Jean Ai did prayers for the sick in Willow Creek.
This is the only Bigfoot bookstore in Willow Creek. It’s the only bookstore full stop. You can find all types of books on bigfoot and many other subjects. Prices are reasonable.
Hundreds visit this bookstore yearly and question Steven on many aspects of Bigfoot. I had a short conversation with him and I must say he is very patient to meet so many Bigfoot enthusiasts asking the same questions! It was nice meeting you Steven. Thanks for your time.
This is a book I recommend. It’s simple, straightforward and you can learn things about Bigfoots here that you wouldn’t read about in other places. Easy to understand and nice to curl up with on a peaceful afternoon. I thank the author for such a nice sharing.
This is another must get book. I read this in a few days as I could not put it down. It is gripping to say the least. I can believe what the author writes.
This is the current bigfoot book I am reading. So far so good.
This was my favorite restaurant in Willow Creek. The food is very good. The place is clean, well stocked and with a good variety choices. I am vegetarian and I was pleasantly surprised when the lady boss Ms. LeeAnn made vegetarian bigfoot burgers!! They come with a side order of fries or onion rings. She was a lovely lady. Accommodating and busy but willing to take time out to share. I enjoyed meeting her very much.
You cannot miss this place called EARLY BIRD -home of the Bigfoot Burger!
Their menu featuring the delicious Bigfoot burger which is on a homemade bun
Early Bird makes wonderful burgers in the shape of Bigfoot’s foot. Creative huh? But seriously, it is DELICIOUS with vegetable patties, pickles, mustard, ketchup, cheese, fried onions too. You can have in vegetarian and non-vegetarian. I want to stress my team of 6 really found this to be delicious and I cannot agree more. You must go there if you visit Willow Creek. I highly recommend this place.
I’m having a chat with Ms. LeeAnn who is originally from New Zealand and has been living in Willow Creek for the last 20 years.
Ms. LeeAnn shared a wonderful bigfoot story about an experience that her father-in-law had. She was kind enough to take the time to share while we gulped down our burgers and we have it recorded here. Please watch the video. Thank you Ms. LeeAnn, it was really nice meeting you. I really hope one day soon you can make it to Tibet for a visit!
LeeAnn’s Bigfoot story!!!
Gift store on the main Willow Creek Road with interesting items.
Bigfoot mugs, posters, books and other items.
They even have wonderful incense and sage.
Here’s another Bigfoot restaurant.
The American Indians in the area are the Hoopa Tribe. We drove through. They are between Willow Creek and Bluff Creek.
There is even a Bigfoot Avenue. Nice road name to live on.
On this bigfoot hardware store, they have large murals of Bigfoot painted you can see as you drive by. Nice.
The center of Willow Creek with emerald trees.
Look at the majestic mountains surrounding the town.
A company that offers whitewater rafting trips down the local rivers, called Bigfoot Rafting
Bigfoot supply shop.
The Bluff Creek area where so many sightings of Bigfoots have occurred for hundreds of years first by the Native American Indians and now by the inhabitants of the area. The landscape is stunning beyond description.
We are entering the road that leads into the area where the famous Patterson-Gimlin footage was recorded.
Look at Bluff Creek’s water, lake, trees, skies and foliage. So beautiful. We spent a few hours this location. We did our individual prayers and meditations. I also did a tsok puja (Guru Puja) to bless the environment, people, animals and bigfoots. Our team brought the offerings and we set up. We are pretty good photographers huh?
I loved this spot at Bluff Creek so much!
Nicholas, Pastor Jean Ai and Clifford engaged in their meditations. Wish my permanent room was here with this view. Glad our group can connect with nature and spirituality here.
Pastor Jean Ai did prayers for the environment, the sick and all beings at this beautiful location.
It was hard to pull myself away after a few hours.
We took all these pictures. Nature is so beautiful. I would love to have a house here and stay in meditation for the rest of my life. This is the environment I seek since very young.
Along the river in Willow Creek area. The water has a beautiful blue green color according to the time of the day. I had to sit for a while and do my mantras.
Imagine having a house right here. I would like it very much. I was able to relax with some mantras here in this perfect location. I loved sitting here that day. I was so happy they brought my foldable chair for this location.
I felt so comfortable in this type of environment
I was so amazed at the scene.
Hesitant to leave…
You know I don’t know what that streak is, but when we looked at the pictures, it was there.
Sitting by the river was so relaxing. It’s hot, but you don’t sweat and the climate is arid and not humid. Which suits me very well. I thank my team for assisting me on this trip. They did a great job and we all get along so well. So much harmony, care and love.
Here I am relaxing around the Bluff Creek area. It was so hard for me to leave this area. I did my prayers and good wishes here. Notice how clean the water is. I really like this place. This is the type of environments I’ve been seeking.
P.S. Let me share with you an interesting story. While I was in Willow Creek I received a text message from a student. He told me one of the monks (Gen Jamyang) told him that my previous incarnation use to stay in mountains to do one meditational retreat after another in Phari region of Tibet. That when I finished with one, I would begin another. Sometimes I needed to communicate with my gurus and other monks in places that were distant. I would write notes and pass it to the Tibetan bigfoots (Tibetan: Migur) and they would deliver messages for me. They can travel great distances fairly fast. They would bring messages back to me from other monks and my teachers too. I thought how interesting. Perhaps this is where my interest in them stem from an early age. I mean from a young age I have great interest in Dharma and nothing would sway me from it, why not other interests that have karmic seeds planted within a mind stream? Humans train carrier pigeons to deliver messages during wars, St. Bernard’s to find people missing in the snowy Alps of Switzerland and the navy trains dolphins to transport, why not bigfoot in Tibet to deliver messages?!!
In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson stumbled across an incredible sight whilst out in Bluff Creek, in the California wilderness. At a creek which had been freshly washed-out by recent floods, they witnessed a female Bigfoot swiftly traverse the rugged landscape. Since their filmed encounter with the Bigfoot, who has since been nicknamed Patty, many have disputed the authenticity of their recording but no one has been able to successfully prove that it is a fake.
This is an improved and stabilised version of the original footage of Patty the Bigfoot, you can see her very clearly in the video. Credits for this video goes to entirely to windvale for the original footage.
On our way to Bluff Creek, we stopped by the Orleans Ranger Station to get more information about how to get to the exact spot where Patterson and Gimlin filmed their Bigfoot video, but the station was closed. We were lucky that there were a couple of wilderness firefighters, called hotshots who were on duty nearby. Hotshots are experts in subduing wild fires which are very common in California, especially during the dry season and drought. One of the hotshotswas a little bit interested in Bigfoot also. They gave us the following information:
- The area where the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film was shot was so clear and had no trees blocking their view, because the area had been washed out by a flood in 1964. Since that time, the forest has regrown in that area so it is very difficult to get back to the exact spot as it has changed a lot.
- Likewise, over the years, Bluff Creek itself has been rerouted and redirected multiple times
- The original road leading up to Bluff Creek has been decommissioned and the old track exists only in certain places. The most effective way of getting there is to drive up to as close as you can on the functioning roads, then walk your way in that direction
- The best roads to get in to the area are the roads leading towards Fish Lake, or Slate Creek Road. The entrances to these roads are well-marked and just off Route 96 / the Klamath River Highway (if you are heading from Willow Creek northwards to Orleans)
- Either Patterson or Gimlin (the hotshots weren’t clear) used to reside at a nearby campground and ran some kind of gift shop, but their family has since moved out of the area
- Watch out for rattlesnakes as we walk
- The area is “infested with mountain lions”. As we walk, we should make a lot of noise to let them know we are in the area and to scare them away
- Anyway, humans are not a mountain lion’s preferred prey and they do not like confrontation; they prefer to stalk and surprise their victims
- Never walk alone; if you are going as a group and want to wander off to explore, go with a friend (as a pair)
- We are okay to park anywhere we want (as long as we do not obstruct traffic or endanger anyone), and get out of our cars to explore. Just do not collect any materials or start any fires
- The Ranger Station is only open on Monday thru Friday (Summer: 7:00am – 5:00pm / Winter: 7:00am – 4:30pm)
This is the corner in my room where I have some of my Bigfoot items…
National Geographic American Paranormal – Bigfoot
This documentary contains an excellent explanation on the Patterson-Gimlin footage of Bigfoot dubbed Patty. It goes through scientific methods to prove the image on the film is authentic. Please watch and be convinced finally. I’ve always believed the footage was genuine. Mr. Gimlin in all the interviews I’ve watched seemed very genuine and suffered tremendously as a result of the footage.
For more interesting information:
- Related Bigfoot posts I am sure you will find interesting
- The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves
- China’s bigfoot
- Nepal is the land of spirtuality, beauty and Mystery and the Yeti
- Japanese Mountain Climbers Say They Found Yeti Footprints
- Malaysia Scientists to Hunt ‘Bigfoot’ in Rainforest
- The neatest footage on film!
- Monsters & Mysteries In Alaska..Sasquatch!
- 7 Parts-Very Interesting!!
- 5 Years + USD500,000 = EVIDENCE!!
- Pacific Northwest May Finally Have Evidence Bigfoot Exists
- Bigfoot Hunt Is On By Land And By Air
- Researcher Says Bigfoot DNA Analysis Reveals Human Hybrid…Seriously?
- Is this Evidence of Bigfoot?
- Bigfoot Is Real, And We Have DNA To Prove It: Researchers
- Images of the Wildman Inside and Outside Europe
- Researchers go looking for Bigfoot
- Sasquatch (Bigfoot)!!!
- Bigfoot in Kechara????
- Bigfoot hunters claim they have footprint
- Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!
- Respect Them
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Willow Creek is a rugged mountain community nestled in the heart of the Six Rivers National Forest in California. Its where people came across Bigfoot also known as Sasquatch to some. Fifty years after the famed Patterson-Gimlin film of an alleged Bigfoot sighting , it continues to be a symbol of the great Northwest till today. Interest in Bigfoot grew rapidly and is still sought by many. They are sighted constantly and many sighting reports, analyses, and theories are given till today. That’s where Willow Creek are famous for with motels, murals, museum , statues to name a few were all named after Bigfoot. I do enjoyed looking at those beautiful pictures of Rinpoche’s visit to Willow Creek and Bluff Creek area especially at the lakes. A peaceful place with natural beauty , clean environment and beautiful mountains surrounding.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing your account of the trip to Willow Creek .
Curious about the legendary Yeti? Not sure what to believe? Here is an article that explores a range of sources, from folktales to newspaper reports, detailing sightings and encounters with the elusive creature, who has been a part of the very fabric of various Himalayan communities for thousands of years. Read about religious beliefs, myths, fables and stories by scholars and travellers alike, and realise that there is more to the Yeti than you previously thought.
This is a real awesome documentary on bigfoot. One of the best – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp5eV9nIEjk&feature=youtu.be
Thank you Rinpoche so much for taking all the beautiful pictures and sharing the information and videos with us.I personally found interesting on the story about Rinpoche’s past incarnation have connection with Big Foot. I strongly believe the Big Foot has received Dharma teaching from Rinpoche previously.I am glad Rinpoche enjoyed the trip and have moment to relax from busy Dharma teaching life. And the gift shop looks very interesting 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing your travel log with us. Willow Creek is just like my dream town to live in when I was a kid watching the American shows: slow country side with big intersection of roads. I think I can live there and become a tour guide as living and do my retreats when I am not on duty… The river and lake is surreal and with the mystical Bigfoot adds the mystical flavour to the town.
I have not been to America. If I do, this is one of the place I would want to visit first.
I just wanna say Rinpoche thank you so much for taking all the beautiful pictures and sharing the information and videos with us. And yes you guys are really good photographers haha. The videos were very interesting and I thought that LeeAnns story was very real and I truly found it very interesting. I think after listen to her story I now am more confident in knowing Bigfoot is really out there.
The first thing I learnt from reading Rinooches articles above was that you don’t need scientific prof to believe in something. When Rinooche explained this Rinpoche explained it so well and I now agree with Rinooche. Some things in iutpr present day still cannot be explained by science, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.
Secondly, I never knew that there were actually so many museums, stores, restraunts and even a motel about Bigfoot! I never knew that Bigfoot had such an impact around the area Bigfoot lives. This makes me wanna go to bluff creek as we’ll haha. I wanna go to the museums and restraunts. The people around that area seem like very nice people as well. judging from what Rinooche has said from the people working in the stores, they seem like friendly town folks and I would love to meet them.
The third thing I learnt today was about the environment of Willow Creek and Bluff Creek. I never knew that the environment around the area was so beautiful. rinpoche has also explained it well. When in read Rinooches explanation I never thought a place could be that beautiful. Then I saw the pictures. I couldn’t believe the scenery around the area. I looks amazing and I now can understand why Rinoiche wants to stay there and why Rinpoche didn’t wanna leave.
I also just wanna add on that I found the first video very funny and I couldn’t stop laughing!! 😀 it’s very creative and I enjoyed it very much. I also found the original video very interesting and realistic. I knew when I saw it that it didn’t look fake and that Bigfoot really did excist.
This concludes my comment Rinpoche. I hope that Rinpoche shares more of his stories in America with us as they are very interesting and fun to read!
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing.The visual and the description given for your journey there was very vivid and detail.I felt that I was almost with you as I was reading it.I do admit that the view there is definitely breathtaking,who would think of leaving that place.
I am happy that you finally manage to reach your destination safe and sound.The sentient beings there are very fortunate to be blessed by your team.
Thank you Rinpoche for your informative sharing on the Yeti and the reason for your attachment to them.I do believe the Yeti is for real as we could not deny the testimonial of the past high lamas….
Dear friends, This is a very good documentary on bigfoot. It is very scientific and examines a new footage of a bigfoot running very fast. Examines and gives you reasons why this cannot be a man or a person in a suit..very nice. I’ve not seen this one before. – https://video.tsemtulku.com/videos/BigfootStabilised.mp4
What fascinated me most is not only that Willow Creek is where Big Foots sightings were common but Bluff Creek is amazing. The day Rinpoche visits was such a beautiful clear summer day and seeing our dharma brothers, sister and Rinpoche saying prayers by the lake is just un-describable, and blessing the area.
I loved all the lovely pictures taken of Rinpoche by the river and lake. They are my favorites. And Yes, just because we cannot prove that Big Foot is real or not is not as important. Just like acupuncture works, we just need to belief it.
from: Howabouthetruth
I’ve got news for anyone who isn’t already aware, there WAS AND IS a real Sasquatch body that was found dead, witnessed & photographed by dozens of people back in the 60’s right after the Columbus Day wind storm in Oregon. Crews were sent out in various areas to clear the mountain roads of all the fallen trees due to the storm. One crew found the body, crushed by a downed Spruce, killing the being. It was face down under the tree & already dead. MANY people witnessed this. It was loaded onto a flatbed truck & hauled off by authorities. There is/was a case number and strong evidence that the bones & complete autopsy & any other lab work, are in the possession of the Smithsonian Institution, secretly of course. There are just too many witnesses to dispute this event. The government seized all the photo’s they could from various people, but not all were recovered. It was described as a female, 7′ 6″ tall and weighed over 600 lbs. I hope that the few people still alive, with possession of these photo’s, will somehow get them onto the internet. Time will tell. This incident truly happened. Crews had to cut the section of the huge Spruce tree away, and block & tackle or some type of hoist had to be used to load the body onto the flatbed truck. Authorities ran everyone off rather quickly. I’ve read several eyewitness testimonies. Back then, the story was covered by local media, but the powers that be, killed the story, therefore never making it to mainstream media. If you don’t believe me, google it. It can also be found on a couple youtube channels. Use the words: “1960’s Columbus Day wind storm in Oregon, results in recovered Sasquatch body killed by tree”, or something along those lines.
I don’t know anything about Bigfoots but after reading Rinpoche’s blog i found it very fascinating and interesting and would like to find out more about these big and hairy people that live in the forest and mountains. The pictures Rinpoche posted are so spectacular and definitely a perfect place for meditation and to stay! I think that streak is from the protector to bless the environment after Rinpoche has recited the mantras there! Glad to see Rinpoche and the team had a wonderful time there and also thank you for sharing.
Thanks for Rinpoche’s sharing. The pictures are so beautiful. Willow Creek is beautiful. Thanks for the team to coordinate and assist Rinpoche to visit this place. This blog enhance my knowledge about big foot.
Thank you for sharing your trip to Willow Peak Rinpoche. The video is hilarious. Trust you guys to come up with the script and play . The photographs were taken so well… The place looked so serene, perfect place for meditation. Would be a very nice place to stay indeed.
There are many things in this world that cannot be proven scientifically. It does not mean that they are made up and do not exist. Our education system has taught us to believe everything with scientific proves and facts. Without them, we fail to have an open mind with the things we do not know. Time to relearn!
Hahaha….what funny encounter of “Big Foot” 😀
It’s an amazing town which live with the myth for decades. And same like Rinpoche, I found Bluff Creek is so beauuutiful and breathtaking, it’s all natural and clean, I would also want to spend the rest of my life in places like this if I can in the future.
Great team good trip. 🙂
Very creative, very funny Rinpoche! Lololol
I’m sure they exist and they are out there somewhere. So many stories, sightings and different cultures write about it, they cannot all be imagining things and there’s so many community groups on this, so I do agree and believe they definitely exist. I grew up with these stories as well but as you grow older, you tend to forget about them, but they are very fascinating.
They said during Buddha’s time, Buddha is taller than an ordinary man, large and straight. So I am certain these tall harry people do exist.
Love the last P.S. message of how in Rinpoche’s previous life, Rinpoche would use a bigfoot messenger to send updates and communicate with others 🙂 That’s really neat!
Dear Rinpoche, I think you are one of the most beautiful Lamas in the whole wide world. I notice and it is clearly evident that you have made your entire life available to everyone who comes to access this glorious blog. And this too for many decades. I imagine it may not be convenient. The way I see it is how celebrities are so protective over their personal lives as their jobs which take up most of their life is in the public eye.But you make most parts of your life accessible to the public and do so openly and freely – I find this most admirable. You share wonderful knowledge and fun and some hard to digest messages which noone dared to share with so many of us. I just read something that described samsaric beings as the cult of delusion. This beautiful account of your trip to Willow Creek is just one of those examples. I love it all. I love all of it kind Rinpoche. Thank you very much.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing, This indeed is a very interesting place, the place is very nice, full with nature and it look very comfortable.
Rinpoche is always full of fun ways to communicate and spread the Dharma. I’ve been watching the video again and again, and every time I watch, I can’t stop laughing.
All science are evidence proof by human, there are many things in this world existed long before human even existed, so many things in this world that we don’t even know, but it doesn’t mean it does not exist. There’s many culture practices and belief which passed down from many generations, there may not be any scientific proof yet, but all these practices and belief definitely has it’s source and not simply created by human.
Spirituality is the same, many decades ago, many people says it has no proof of the existence of Buddha, there’s no proof of what Buddha has taught, but look at what happen now, scientists slowly proving all these right. Reincarnation, universe, others’ unseen beings etc, etc. We just has to learn the culture and respect their belief.
Like many skeptics I had my doubts that such things, supernatural or paranormal or otherwise, especially Bigfoot, exist. But after reading Rinpoche’s postings and comments, and watching the History channel documentary video, which I found to be very insightful,interesting and informative, I must say I am a believer now. I agree that all these hundreds of sightings and eye witness accounts from as long as centuries ago to the present day, are just too many to ignore.
This was indeed an interesting topic and I appreciate all the hard work that went into making this posting. Kudos to Rinpoche and his small group of talented students.
Thank you Rinpoche blog this interesting of Big foot journey. Wow, I very enjoyed, love the video clip and the photos, very nice place, nice scenery especially at the lake area of Bluff Creek. Even Willow Creek is a small town but there have Big Foot restaurant, Big Foot Motel, Big Foot Museum, Big Foot Book, Gift Shop 🙂 Make a wish now may able to visit this place in one day. Much appreciate and take care.
I know Rinpoche has an interest in the paranormal especially Bigfoot! I also like these kind of things. I am so happy to see that Rinpoche is well in USA and is having a good time visiting places. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche, I never thought that there are actually views this beautiful like from the movies. I definitely believe in Bigfoot. After all, there are more than 50% of animals in this world that have not been discovered yet. Every is possible, there might even be vampires and werewolfs out there in the woods. And when I first watched the video, I actually thought that they really caught Bigfoot on film but after that, I burst out of laughing when I saw Rinpoche passing by.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche, I love the video! Its very creative and funny haha! Thank You for all of the information, I can imagine how exciting it is to be in the place where Bigfoot was spotted.
It must have been an amazing experience for Rinpoche to be in the county where Bigfoot sightings abound. The surroundings are just so naturally beautiful. It would be headline news if and when Bigfoot could be proven especially with a live specimen. Same goes for UFO and extraterrestrial beings.
Dear Rinpoche,
The article is so nice and refreshing to read.
The video was so cleverly and humorously done. I love it.
Reading the article made it feel I was there with Rinpoche experiencing the entire trip, with so many pictures of the breath taking scenic views.
Now I understand where Rinpoche’s fascination with Big Foot and Yeti stem from.
Thank you.
Enjoyed reading this post, very informative and interesting. I love the humorous video and serene pictures, great photographer!
Through this detailed amazing post, expedition of Bigfoot in Willow Creek bring better understandings of Bigfoot story.
Simply amazed by Rinpoche’s story about his previous incarnation using bigfoots to deliver messages, this definitely relate the fact about imprints and reincarnation.
Thank you Rinpoche for this great post!
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for this blog post, I really enjoyed reading the articles and watching both of the videos especially the bigfoot sighting video!!!
I agree with Rinpoche very much. Not everything in this world needs scientific prove, and the most direct logic is: before Newton discovered and proved gravity, does it mean gravity doesn’t exist? LOL! As simple as this. And it is absolutely not an coincidence that people from different parts of this world share the same description of bigfoot! I believe bigfoot exist and they are just so rare to see.
I like the simplicity of Willow Creek, the restaurants, the shops, the views. I don’t feel the whole place is commercial, all I see and feel is, the people there really are bigfoot enthusiast, they don’t really want to make a lot of money but they are passionate about bigfoot and they are dying to share with anyone that shares the same interest! It is like a paradise for all the bigfoot fans and I am glad Rinpoche and the team were there to visit and explore. 🙂
The views there are superb and I wish very much to meet with the American-Indians hehehe! They are very cool and I am interested with their culture and beliefs too.
I learnt more about bigfoot in this post Rinpoche, thank you for posting it. The team are very lucky to follow Rinpoche to Willow Creek, and I guest Rinpoche spent quite some time inside the museum to look around and explain… LOL.
Much care,
Dear Rinpoche,
This is so interesting, thanks for sharing the information about Big Foot.
It is logical on what Rinpoche said, if many people spotted hundred of years and able to describe something similar, this mean Big Foot really somewhere out there.
After this blog post, now i am interested on Big Foot too.
Thanks Rinpoche for this post.
We have come across a number of residents of U.S.A. who said in the Blog that they confirmed and seen the sighting of “Bigfoot” and UFO too in the beautiful and serene Willow Creek, where you have been told of your interesting previous incarnations episodes. In pictures, Willow Creek is truly an enchanting sort of environment. By indulging in it yourself there, you found it a so relaxing and comfortable type of environment. Even by looking at the photos and pictues, we can’t help feeling the same way too! Thank you so much for the sharing Rinpoche, may whatever you wish for become realistic soon! Om mani padme Hung.
In case you haven’t notice, Rinpoche’s sharing always provide thorough information and thoughts, so that whoever gets to read it will gain all the knowledge they needed in just ONE post. If we go through the articles on this blog, you’ll agree with this observation.
For a thorough article to be written, it requires long hours of research work; reading, understanding and internalising of the research information, and then to share the understanding in a written form.
In this case, Rinpoche travelled all the way to Willow Creek, a less than 11 hours trip had to be extended to 15 hours due to Rinpoche’s cracked tailbone, just so he can be there to connect with the place (on top of all the other work involved) so that Rinpoche can get all the information needed for this article written, not to mention shooting a creative video on Bigfoot sighting that can open our mind to want to read and learn what has been written.
A lot of people do not appreciate written works as they do not appreciate all the hard works they cannot see done by the author. It is due to the kindness of most of the authors of the written works available that we are able to trace the historical events, ancient wisdom etc, without which we will not have a variety of cultures and beliefs that suit different mind.
I really appreciate Rinpoche’s kindness and selflessness in starting this blog, sharing a variety of genre to cater to different minds. May this blog continue to benefit others and guide them towards the path to enlightenment!
p.s. this article really made me realised there are really many beings out there. The universe is vast and there must be other living beings apart from what we can perceive with out own eyes!
The environment in Bluff Creek was amazing. Everything within the landscape is exactly what I am looking for in a place to live. Now that I am back to Southern California, I miss Bluff Creek/Willow Creek very much. It was so incredibly beautiful. Lakes, rivers, mountains, emerald trees and birds flying high up enchanted me. I wish I can live there or somewhere very similar permanently.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thanks for sharing with us Rinpoche wonderful trip, we are so happy Rinpoche extremely enjoy the trip with Big smile in the photos…
18 hours in car might bring pain to Rinpoche back bone, thanks for the team that take care and serve Rinpoche well during the journey…
The photographer did a awesome job too especially the photo with a streak inside… Hmm… Seen like a protector blessing for Rinpoche stable health and continue to turn the wheel of Dharma…
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing Rinpoche happiness through the video to us, Rinpoche indeed a super Fan of Big Foot… Most of us having a big continuous laugh while watching the video… LOL…
I hopefully i am being a Rinpoche “messager” before.. hehehe…
Thank you, Rinpoche, for all sharing the information and beautiful photos of Rinpoche’s recent trip. And the video is so hilarious!
I am glad that Rinpoche finally went to Willow Creek and enjoyed the trip even though it was a long drive. The scenery is breath taking and the town looks interesting. It is also interesting to know that bigfoot was used as a messenger by Rinpoche in Rinpoche’s previous life. Makes me wonder if any of them are reincarnated as Rinpoche’s students:)
Dear Rinpoche,
I totally believe in big foot, and its cool to know that the big foot helps deliver messages for Rinpoche previous reincarnation. Thanks for all the nice photos, the mountain and lakes are really beautiful and peaceful. I loves to be there too!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing all the videos and nice photos. All photos are well taken especially those that Rinpoche was sitting next to the lake. I am so glad to see Rinpoche had some fresh air, sunshine, nice view with lake and mountains around. The beings there are lucky to have Rinpoche, Pastor Jean Ai, Pastor Seng Piow, Nicholas and Adrian to do a puja for them. May the bigfoot that staying there hear Rinpoche’s prayers and gain imprint for Buddhahood.
Thank You Rinpoche for sharing the information about Bigfoot and the pleasure trip to Willow Creek. I had stayed in Santa Rosa for a few months, unfortunately, I did not manage to visit Willow Creek. Maybe I do not have karmic connection with Bigfoot.
I really love the picture taken in both Bluff Creek and Willow Creek. I wish to have a house on river side to spend my old age in praying there. It will be beautiful. In my childhood, I used to dream of this type of scenery and draw it on my exercise book. I really love this scenery and it was tremendous calming effect. I am glad that Rinpoche and the team were doing puja there to bless the environment and all sentient being around that too. Thank You Rinpoche and the team.
I personally found interesting on the story about Rinpoche’s past incarnation have connection with Big Foot. I strongly believe the Big Foot has received Dharma teaching from Rinpoche previously.
I am glad Rinpoche enjoyed the trip and have moment to relax from busy Dharma teaching life. Thank You Rinpoche for everything you have done to benefit us. We will be doing prayer everyday to wish you to recover from the tail-bone pain and be healthy.
Thank You Rinpoche.
thank You for typing & then re-typing this blog-post for our enjoyment!!! Yes, You all are very good photographers!!! i love creeks. there are a lot of them where i live.
Dear Rinpoche,
It’s is wonderful news to me that after so long Rinpoche has finally been able to visit Willow Creek aka Bigfoot haven.
Just looking at all the pictures above, it is easy to imagine how amazing it would be to stay at Willow Creek and do meditations and retreats everyday.
It is great that Rinpoche managed to meet and chat with a few special locals there and especially Ms. LeeAnn who had such a nice story about one of her relatives having an encounter with Bigfoot.
Ms. LeeAnn has a really chic and creative restaurant and I realy like how the whole restaurant is so colorful and beautiful.
If I had the chance I would really love to got to Willow Creek one day.
Hope you had a nice trip Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing Rinpoche’s recent visit to Willow Creek. I hope Rinpoche have recovered from the long journey. The pictures of the mountains with the trees and natural surroundings are very spectacular. The USA team are very fortunate to be able to do prayers and contemplations at such a serene location.
The part of the article that fascinate me most was the account by a monk that a Bigfoot was the messenger between Rinpoche’s previous incarnation and his teachers. I reckon that prevously Bigfoots do interact with humans.
I am so happy to catch a glimpse of Rinpoche in action in the short video though I must say that I still miss Rinpoche here in Malaysia.
Dear Rinpoche i really like the video’s you posted. I really like watching things that chills me. I actually believe in Bigfoot,though i have not seen one. Quite recently i watched something recommended on youtube it questions why were the Egyptians able to build such huge pyramids? Then they uncovered carvings of what looked like aliens. Till today no one knows for sure whether it was real or not.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post.
Really nice. I want to go there sometime. I love bigfoot and paranormal studies. However, I wish to clarify, the Patterson film has been admitted to be a hoax by the film makers.
Interesting you mention the Patterson-Gimlin film is proven to be a hoax. The film makers of which one is passed away till this day with affidavits say it’s real. Also their good friend veteran bigfoot researcher John Green also vouches that they are telling the truth. 🙂 Take a look at the video clip attached to this message. It is fun to discuss this. Enjoy!
Thank you Rinpoche for all the information on the trip to Willow Creek on Big Foot and the beautiful scenic photos and the very hilarious video. Most of all it is so nice for me to see Rinpoche taking a peaceful meditation at such serene surroundings. It is a great privilege for me to see so many photos of Rinpoche after such a long time.
I have learnt from this post the importance of belief, as in all aspects of our life if we choose to believe we will make ”things” happen. There is no real need for scientific explanations. Funny thing though that so many of what we believe actually is not even real or the truth but a perception and had been fine for us.
Then why not believe in the existence of Big Foot, Loch Ness, Dragons and many more that we have lived with.
Thank you Rinpoche once again for having worked so hard with this wonderful post to educate and teach us to believe.
Dear Rinpoche,
I love this video very much. It brings so much laughter to all of us!
I am so happy that Rinpoche finally make a trip to Willow Creek that you have wanted to visit and for the Bigfoot search. I would like to thank the US team for the arrangement and taking care of Rinpoche during the trip.
With the pictures and stories from your visits, I learned more about Bigfoot. It is very interesting to know that Rinpoche’s previous incarnation stories that using Tibetan Bigfoot as a messengers. I wonder am I or anyone of us was once your messenger in your previous life.
In addition, all the photos taken especially near the mountain and lakes are so beautiful and breathtaking. Back to nature!
Thanks again Rinpoche for your sharing. Rinpoche please take care. With folded hands..
Thank you Rinpoche for this lovely post on your trip to Willow Creek, the town where Bigfoot was actually sighted and authentically photographed at Bluff Creek.The pictures capture the scenic beauty of the place. It must have been thrilling for Rinpoche to set foot and tread the ground where Bigfoot actually walked.
It is fascinating too that the brand of Bigfoot is stamped on everything there, from streets and restaurants and hotels to mugs, books and posters and even the burger.The bookshop must be a veritable treasure trove of books and stories on Bigfoot.
I am glad Rinpoche could spend three days in peaceful contemplation in the forest as well as sitting by the lovely river.It is nice to know too that Rinpoche has a karmic connection with Bigfoot.I love the story of how Rinpoche’s previous incarnation had had Bigfoot as a messenger to deliver and receive messages and letters from his gurus and monks in distant places.
Thank you Rinpoche for the many pictures that came with this post. I wonder about the streak of light in one of the pictures.
Thank you for the wonderfully narrated story on Rinpoche’s Big Foot journey. Although I have never been to Willow Creek and Bluff Creek, after reading Rinpoche’s post I have learnt a lot about these places and the legend of Big Foot. Isn’t it wonderful that these fury friends were once Rinpoche’s messengers? I actually do wonder if any of them reincarnated as humans in this life time and ends up learning the Dharma from Rinpoche? Mmm…
PS: I would love to visit the bookshop and eat those lovely vege Big Foot burgers. Yummsss… 🙂
Wow, what a cool trip! I loved the scenery and the lake pics. The town was so interesting. I hope I get to go up there and visit someday. I’m very happy you and your team had such a great time.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing a lot of beautiful pictures from Willow Creek with many stories about Bigfoot. I am truly happy for Rinpoche and the team to be there for prayers and meditations within the natural forest to bless the environment, local people there and animals around. Finally, a big thank you for the photographer and the team to bring us there with many pictures and sight seeing. I am glad that Rinpoche has enjoyed the trip and able to visit the actual site of previous recorded Bigfoot existence.
Now we know how big Bigfoot’s foot really is.
Dear Rinpoche
Thank you for sharing your trip with us. It sure is beautiful country out there – pristine. Reminds me of the various jungle sites my dad took us to when we were young except it is mighty humid here. Not everyone can appreciate the vibes in pristine places, some get spooked by them.
Agree that science till today has not proven a lot of things yet. So, there may yet be yetis amongst us.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for the post and comprehensive information and travel tips that would be most useful to anyone who plans a trip to learn more about Bigfoot.
I agree with Rinpoche that sometimes, in life, scientific verification is not always necessary. We do many things in life based on our faith and belief without requiring scientific proof. For example, we dedicate our life and resources to people whom we believe will make us happy or bring purpose to our life without needing scientific proof or a guarantee. We wake up everyday in pursuit of goals that we believe will bring satisfaction and contentment without any warranty. So, we humans are more capable of faith and belief beyond science than we realize. In many ways, it is this “special power” of ours that make us human and hopeful regardless of how hard samsara can get.
Thank you also Rinpoche for sharing the beautiful images of Bluff Creek, nature is indeed one element that can humble and awe anyone and everyone. I am very happy that Rinpoche and the team were able to do meditation and say prayers in such a sacred space.
Dear Rinpoche your video very funy and very nice i enjoy so much and i laugh and laugh until cant laught.very nive trip .Thank you so much for this beautiful post.
Dear Rinpoche thank you for sharing this funny video very nice to see Rinpoche enjoy your trip and the mountain scenery is so beautiful, and is very nice to be able to mediated in such a peaceful place.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for this detailed account of your trip to Bigfoot country. Willow Creek is a pleasant place, quiet and ideal for meditation. The pictures are all beautiful. I love the bookshop! Rinpoche’s story about his previous incarnation using bigfoots to deliver messages is simply fascinating. This explains Rinpoche’s fascination with bigfoots. But I believe these things do happen. Now Willow Creek and Bluff Creek have been blessed by Rinpoche’s presence.
I loved that bookshop too! I could have spent the entire day in it. Imagine the treasures you’d find?
Hi, my twin brother and I saw a Sasquatch (Bigfoot) when we were 9 years old in the Olympic National Forest and we saw numerous UFO’s. I think there is a connection. Wish I’d known you were so close, I would have visited for a few minutes. You truly are inspiring and “breath of fresh air” as my mother would have said 🙂
I’ll second that!
We have bigfoot sightings near where I live (Fouke Monster) There are also UFO sightings as well. I’ve seen one myself. My husband saw the Fouke monster. These things exist, I have no doubt. But I am curious about the connection between the UFO’s and bigfoot sightings as well.
Dear Rinpoche,
thank you for sharing Bigfoot traveling expedition with us.
It’s wonderful seeing you and team having a great time, especially the video part where accompanying team thought they captured Bigfoot. 😀
The nature scenery was breathtaking even on pics, I can only imagine how beautiful and serene you must have seen & felt being onsite.
Do take care dear Rinpoche & team.
& looking forward to seeing many more updates on blog. 😀
Dear Rinpoche,
I really enjoyed this video, it is so hilarious. I agree that what we cannot see, does not mean it does not exist. We often think science is the utmost truth which in fact it is not. There are many things that science cannot prove for now. Long before there is science, Buddha Shakyamuni was already teaching about universe and how things work.
I am very happy that Rinpoche finally made a trip to Willow Creek, Rinpoche has been talking about Willow Creek for the longest time.
It is very interesting to know that in Rinpoche’s previous life, bigfoot (yeti) used to be the messenger for Rinpoche and gurus. I wonder if among all the Rinpoche’s students, one of us was that Yeti.. hehehe…
Dearest Rinpoche, Your video is simply out of this world! Love your sense of humour! The photos are so amazing. Kudos to the photographer! I agree with Rinpoche. It would be a very beautiful place to stay. With folded hands. Thank you so much for this post.
Rinpoche ver nice trip . beautiful. hope you had time to enjoy a nice day. it is important you have time for you and relaxation . all my best for the future . take good care.