What was outside Tenzin Palmo’s cave?
Dear friends around the world,
You know I like to blog about many different interests I have which are quite varied. I enjoy them and I know you would enjoy some of them too. One of my favorite books is Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo’s Cave In The Snow by Vicki Mackenzie (Bloomsbury Paperbacks). I have given out hundreds of copies of this book to many people over the years and occasionally I will re-read this again as I just did. It’s written beautifully and yet simple to understand. I cannot over state my enthusiasm for you to get a copy as it can be life changing to read if anything highly inspirational to help motivate us to gently self-introspect. I highly recommend this book for it’s candor, spiritual content, teachings, lessons and most of all the spiritual journey of a person who is serious to make good use out of her life. The real purpose to read this book is to be inspired by a spiritual journey of modern contemporary English woman, the daughter of a fish monger from the East End of London who has become a legend, champion of woman’s spirituality and a deep inspiration to all who are seeking more in life than just the banal everyday existence. You must read it for the spiritual value and deep inspiration it will provide. The amazing thing is everything is the simple truth and contemporary in this book which we can all relate to.

This is a short description about this book CAVE IN THE SNOW
In Chapter eight, page 89, I quote the below. As you all know I am a bigfoot/yeti enthusiast and in this book it mentions, where Tenzin Palmo the Western meditation Buddhist nun finds possible yeti prints outside of her meditation cave where she lived for 12 years at 13,200 ft above sea level in North India. She has a small wall marking her boundary just outside of her cave and that’s where the tracks were found. Amazing. Now this post is about Bigfoot/yeti but it is intertwined with her spiritual journey which is so compelling. Not only does she speak of the yeti footprints but also a few mystical areas around and near her cave. For example the Pelden Hlamo’s mule hoof prints appeared in the snow where this sacred Goddess has a blessed spot not far off from Tenzin Palmo’s cave. There are no hoof prints leading to or fro, but just on that spot. Pelden Hlamo is a very powerful female divinity who rides a mule in her inter-dimensional travels. There is a holy spot related to her in the area where these hoof prints appeared seemingly on their own. There are many more interesting accounts in this book you must read.
Bigfoot has been reported in North India, China, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, Mongolia for thousands of years. The locals recall in their stories, depict them in art and it is mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures clearly. Many holy beings, saints, meditators, yogis report seeing them as well as the common man. They can be aggressive and carry off yaks and women it’s reported. But do read the account of Tenzin Palmo and her possible encounter with the tracks I quote below. Interesting.
Please enjoy,
Tsem Rinpoche
‘I once saw its prints outside the cave and on the window- sill.’ Tenzin Palmo said, her voice rising with excitement at the memory. ‘There were these big pug marks, very strange with a kind of hole in the middle. I drew it and later showed it to two zoologists and they both immediately said it was snow leopard, which apparently has a distinctive paw.’ While the elusive snow leopard might well have seen Tenzin Palmo, much to her sorrow she did not ever see it. More exotic and enticing still were the completely bizarre set of footprints that she found one morning in the snow running along the boundary wall. She looked at them in puzzlement: ‘Everyone says there are no bears in Lahoul but the first year that I was there I discovered these huge footprints outside the fence. They were much bigger than a man’s but looked similar to a human’s with an instep. You could see all the toes but they also had claws. It looked like a human print with claws. And these footprints came all the way down from the mountain and had got to where the boundary was and the creature was obviously very confused. I think this must have been its cave. You could see from the tracks the prints made, it was wandering around and then it went up again.’ Could it possibly have been the mythical Yeti? Had Tenzin Palmo inadvertently moved into a Yeti’s den? ‘I don’t know – I never saw the footprints again. But the Tibetans are familiar enough with the creature, whatever it is, to have a name for it, and tell stories about it. Lamas also talk about it ·so I don’t see why it should not exist,’ she said. Further support for the actual existence of the Yeti came in 1997 when Agence France Press reported that ‘bigfoot’ tracks had been found in Shennonija National Nature Reserve, in Hubei province, by China’s Researchers for Strange and Rare Creatures: ‘The head of the committee said a research team found hundreds of footprints 2600 metres above sea level. The biggest footprint is thirty-seven centimetres long, very similar to that of a man but larger than that of a man’s, and is different from the footprint of a bear or any other identified animals,’ the story reads.
[Quoted from Cave In The Snow chapter eight page 89]

Tenzin Palmo outside of her cave drying out her items in the sun

This picture of a Yeti or bigfoot is not from the book. I found this on the internet to just illustrate how a Yeti might look like according to the descriptions of the people in the Himalayas

Location of her cave as taken from the book

This is the cover of the book. Again I highly recommend this book for it’s inspiration, spiritual journey, direct account of a meditator’s life for 12 years and it’s complete teaching on what life is really about. Click here to watch the Cave In The Snow documentary
For more interesting information:
- The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves
- China’s bigfoot
- Nepal is the land of spirtuality, beauty and Mystery and the Yeti
- Japanese Mountain Climbers Say They Found Yeti Footprints
- Malaysia Scientists to Hunt ‘Bigfoot’ in Rainforest
- The neatest footage on film!
- Monsters & Mysteries In Alaska..Sasquatch!
- 7 Parts-Very Interesting!!
- I was in Willow Creek:
- 5 Years + USD500,000 = EVIDENCE!!
- Pacific Northwest May Finally Have Evidence Bigfoot Exists
- Bigfoot Hunt Is On By Land And By Air
- Researcher Says Bigfoot DNA Analysis Reveals Human Hybrid … Seriously?
- Is this Evidence of Bigfoot?
- Bigfoot Is Real, And We Have DNA To Prove It: Researchers
- Images of the Wildman Inside and Outside Europe
- Sasquatch (Bigfoot)!!!
- Bigfoot in Kechara????
- Bigfoot hunters claim they have footprint
- Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!
- Respect Them
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Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo commenced living in a cave in the Himalayas for 12 years. The cave was high at 13,200 ft above sea level in the remote Lahaul area of the Indian Himalayas. That’s where is the home of yetis and bigfoot as many sightings over the years. She is an author, teacher and founder of the Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery. The legends of Bigfoot go back beyond recorded history around the world. Visual sightings and even alleged photographs and filmings has contributed to the legend, though none of the purported evidence has been verified. But its not surprised they do exist as Tenzin Palmo finds possible yeti prints outside of her meditation cave. I do believe the Yetis do exist even though scant physical evidence that any such creatures exist. In the Buddhist scriptures did mentioned clearly that many holy beings, yogis, meditators, report seeing them. As mentioned in Tenzin Palmo’s book ‘Cave In The Snow’ , She saw foot prints outside the cave which resembled a Yeti or bigfoot. Interesting read and inspiring indeed.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing an inspiring spiritual journey of a meditator’s life for 12 years up in the mountains all alone
Curious about the legendary Yeti? Not sure what to believe? Here is an article that explores a range of sources, from folktales to newspaper reports, detailing sightings and encounters with the elusive creature, who has been a part of the very fabric of various Himalayan communities for thousands of years. Read about religious beliefs, myths, fables and stories by scholars and travellers alike, and realise that there is more to the Yeti than you previously thought.
This is a real awesome documentary on bigfoot. One of the best – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp5eV9nIEjk&feature=youtu.be
In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson stumbled across an incredible sight whilst out in Bluff Creek, in the California wilderness. At a creek which had been freshly washed-out by recent floods, they witnessed a female Bigfoot swiftly traverse the rugged landscape. Since their filmed encounter with the Bigfoot, who has since been nicknamed Patty, many have disputed the authenticity of their recording but no one has been able to successfully prove that it is a fake.
Credits for this video goes to entirely to windvale for the original footage. ?
Bigfoot has been reported in many countries such as North India, China, Tibet, Himalayan snow mountains and America for thousands of years. It is not supressed that Tenzin Palmo , a Western meditation Buddhist nun possible of encounter or yeti prints outside of her meditation cave where she lived for 12 years at 13,200 ft above sea level in North India. It seem that the Tibetans ,locals, Lamas as stated in her book have seen these creatures or found foot prints of the yeti too. Fantastic discovery China’s Researchers found hundreds of footprints 2600 metres above sea level. Hence the bigfoot or yeti do exist after all. More and more evidence are discovered not only by Tenzin Palmo and those living in the remote mountains at that time.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Another cool story about the Yetis. One of my colleague mentioned how are they able to stay elusive for so long? With no traces of a body of a Yeti at all.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for posting this! Now that I have read this post, I have searched up Tenzin Palmo on Youtube and I like her teachings and what she says. I feel that her teaching style and how she says her teachings are like you, Rinpoche. 🙂 (Although, in my opinion, you teach a little easier. 😛 )
Also, you were right to say that she is a very inspiring being. 🙂 I really like her and admire her for taking the courageous steps to becoming who she is today. 🙂
Thank you for posting this!!
Your humble student,
Keng Hwa.
Usually Yetis are known for their postal services for high attained Lama. In this case, perhaps yeti was not wandering around looking for the supposedly their ‘home’ but rather checking out on Tenzin Palmo? Perhaps it was sent by a Lama? Hehehe….
I think Rinpoche would like us to believe the existence of Yetis through the account of a great meditator. It shed some possible evidence to further support their existence. For me, I do believe the existence Yetis.
Cave in the Snow was one of the first books that was gifted from Rinpoche to me. I have since read the book twice and each time I find more and more inspirations for life in solitude and to focus on meditation.
Tenzin Palmo is an amazing lady and if there is someone that I aspire to be would be her. The book illustrates her joys, sadness and all other emotional afflictions we all have but the difference is her termination to attain enlightenment in this life and as a woman. Inspirational as to what she had to endure and what she gave up externally to be at peace and joyful internally.
Oh wow! Another book going on my reading list. And I think it will be high on my list. 🙂 Must try to get my grubby hands on a copy soon. 🙂 Thank you for posting this, Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche, thank you for sharing. It is amazing to read about Yeti did appeared so near the cave of Tenzin Palmo. Once again it’s proved that Yeti (big foot) exist. If Tenzin Palmo had accidentally used the Yeti’s cave to meditate, then I think the Yeti was very kind because he didn’t get angry nor make noise nor disturb Tenzin Palmo at that time. He just left quietly and went around to look for other place to stay. I could imagine these happened pretty often to the Yeti hence they are used to it. Hehehe..
Dear Rinpoche thank you for sharing, living in the mountain alone is kind of not ordinary I really paid respect for Tenzin Palmo because not everyone can do it very inspiring to read her book I remember last year Rinpoche did blog on her interview I love that video truly amazing.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you so much recommending the book, can’t wait to read t. _/\_
This is soooo neat. I wonder if Tenzin Palmo was just humbly omitting the fact that she could communicate with these creatures and that they brought messages back and forth from her lama and her meditation cave/hut. This would have made a fantastic tale and I am sure it wouldn’t be surprising with these great beings. Somehow, yetis being the messenger and attendant to meditating attained yogis and lamas doesn’t seem too farfetched to me. Hehe.
How exciting that more and more evidence are discovered everyday.There are things out there that exist and unexplained.
Thank You Rinpoche,for this incredible post. Bigfoot lives!
Calle 60 N° 3127
Calle 60 N° 3127 Excellent congratulations
When I first read this book many years ago in KPSS2, before Kechara ever existed, it already captivated me. How someone as ordinary as Diane Perry could choose to live a life in a retreat for 12 years in a cave, and emerged as one of the world first accomplished western female yoginis, Tenzin Palmo, is beyond amazing.
It was one of the first few Dharma books I bought that I really liked, and it is still one of my favourites. Her story on her spiritual journey gives inspiring light. When I read her story, it gave me courage to to continue discovering and learning more about Buddhism then and even now.
When I read the part about snow leopards and possibly a Yeti/bigfoot had come around her cave (as mentioned in the post), it sure made these mystical creatures even more intriguing. I do think that what Tenzin Palmo says is possible; maybe she accidentally took the Yeti’s cave? However, the Yeti must be “wise” enough to have left her cave alone and nothing damaged. Perhaps the Yeti could sense that there was a yogini meditating hence did not disturb Tenzin Palmo. Whatever the case may be, it certainly tells us that these mystical creatures definitely do exist.
Dear Rinpoche,
With folded hands, I thank Rinpoche for giving me this book and I have read it several times. Indeed, as mentioned by Tenzin Palmo that there were prints bigger than human prints but with claws outside her cave.It’s truly intriguing and mystical to know that the Yeti’s footprints were found outside Tenzin Palmo’s cave and it gives us that kind of feeling of hope that Bigfoot/Yeti is somewhere out there.
Leonard Ooi
Wow! Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this very interesting point. From her own description and from her own strong sense of conviction, it is most likely that Venerable Tenzin Palmo had “inadvertently” found and occupied a cave that had been the home of a Bigfoot or Yeti. Her description of its footprints also supports this:
“They were much bigger than a man’s but looked similar to a human’s with an instep. You could see all the toes but they also had claws. It looked like a human print with claws”.
But this Being did not barge into the cave and confront her! It seemed to know she was a pure and highly realized(or evolved Being).From the footprints, it appeared to hesitate because it was confused. Then, it went away.
This is yet another confirmation that Bigfoots do exist but are mystical in nature.They can differentiate between highly evolved Beings and ordinary Beings.
Oh my goodness! this is incredible. I guess staying in the mountains in Nepal for 12 years, with that much time spent in the area where the Yeti is so famous, there must have been incidents where the Yeti passed by her cave, especially since she is such an accomplished meditator and spiritual master, the Yeti would have came specially for some blessings hehe.
Dear Sarah, Her cave was in North India. Thanks. TR
Yes Rinpoche, my mistake. Thank you for correcting me.
Much care,
Dear Rinpoche,
The excerpts taken from the book is indeed very interesting and intriguing.. I am always fascinated by all these super natural phenomenon.
Tenzin Palmo must be very focused in her meditation to be able to witness Pelden Hlamo’s mule’s print.
Regretfully, Rinpoche put up the video documentary so long ago, and I am ashamed to have not watched it yet.
Will definitely have to view the whole documentary.
Thank you Rinpoche.